Early Southern Guitar Styles 2-DVD set, totaling 3 hours 25 minutes. $40
Homespun Tapes, 2008
Includes tab and detailed notes.
Mike teaches 25 songs and tunes, in a survey of traditional guitar styles from the rural South based on his Smithsonian Folkways CD (see above). Included are banjo-like styles, rags, blues, parlor guitar-based pieces, slide guitar tunes, and many song accompaniment styles, most of which Mike picked up directly from traditional players or their recordings - Maybelle Carter, John Hurt, Leadbelly, Sam McGee, Roscoe Holcomb, John Jackson, and Elizabeth Cotten, among others. Each piece is played through, followed by comments on style and a slow split-screen repetition.
Overseas shipping surcharge: $5
If ordering by mail, please make check or money order payable to Mike's Music, and make sure to include your shipping address and list of items and quantities.
Mail to:
Mike's Music
PO Box 1592
Lexington, VA 24450