American Folksongs for Children with Peggy Seeger 2-CD set $25
Rounder, 1977
94 traditional songs from Ruth Crawford Seeger's classic book of the same name. Children and parents love to sing these songs, add words, and make up games to play.
Disc 1
- Yonder She Comes
- Down Came a Lady
- Who's That Tapping at the Window?
- Such a Getting Upstairs
- Toodala
- How Old Are You?
- Jimmy Rose He Went To Town
- What Shall We Do When We All Go Out?
- Goodbye, Julie
- Goodbye, Old Paint
- Oh, Oh, the Sunshine
- Sweet Water Rolling
- The Wind Blow East
- Rain, Come Wet Me
- It Rained a Mist
- Rain or Shine
- One Cold and Frosty Morning
- By'm Bye
- Jim Along Josie
- There Was A Man And He Was Mad
- Riding In The Buggy, Miss Mary Jane
- Billy Barlow
- The Juniper Tree
- Old Joe Clarke
- Down by the Greenwood Sidey-O
- Roll That Brown Jug Down to Town
- As I Walked Out One Holiday
- She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain When She Comes
- Juba
- Run, Chillen, Run
- All Around the Kitchen
- I'm Going to Join the Army
- Scraping Up Sand in the Bottom of the Sea
- Old Mister Rabbit
- Old Molly Hare
- Oh, John the Rabbit
- The Little Pig
- Bought Me A Cat
- Hop, Old Squirrel
- My Horses Ain't Hungry
- Did You Go to the Barney?
- Have a Little Dog
- Frog Went A-Courtin'
- Little Bird, Little Bird
Disc 2
- Free Little Bird
- Poor Old Crow
- Ducks In The Millpond
- Jim Crack Corn
- Eency Weency Spider
- Dog Tick
- Who Built the Ark: Noah, Noah
- Mary Wore Her Red Dress
- Pretty Little Girl with the Red Dress On
- This Lady She Wears A Dark Green Shawl
- Walk Along, John
- Do, Do, Pity My Case
- Hanging Out the Linen Clothes
- Lula Gal
- Old Aunt Kate
- What Did You have For Your Supper?
- Baby Dear
- Johnny, Get Your Hair Cut
- I Got a Letter This Morning
- Rose, Rose, and Up She Rises
- What'll We Do With The Baby?
- Hush, Little Baby
- Pick a Bale of Cotton
- This Old Hammer
- The Train Is A-Coming
- The Little Black Train
- When the Train Comes Along
- John Henry
- Every Monday Morning
- Going Down to Town
- Sailing In The Boat
- Blow, Boys, Blow
- Fire Down Below
- Sally Go Round the Sunshine
- This Old Man
- Skip-a To My Lou
- When I Was A Young Maid
- The Closet Key
- Built My Lady a Fine Brick House
- Where Oh Where Is Pretty Little Susie?
- Jingle at the Windows
- Adam Had Seven Sons
- Here Sits A Monkey
- Go To Sleepy
- Monday Morning Go To School
- Hush 'n' Bye
- Turtle Dove
- Mary Had A Baby
- Jesus Borned in Bethlea
- The Cherry Tree Carol
Overseas shipping surcharge: $5
If ordering by mail, please make check or money order payable to Mike's Music, and make sure to include your shipping address and list of items and quantities.
Mail to:
Mike's Music
PO Box 1592
Lexington, VA 24450